Resource | Author | Tag |
2022 MOLA Conference Program | Amy Tackitt | conference |
Classification of the Performance Librarian Within the Orchestra | Andrew S. Holmes | |
MOLA Guidelines for Music Preparation
Contains: MOLA Guidelines for Music Preparation Español: Guía para la preparación de música Français: Directives concernant la gravure musicale d'oeuvre orchestrales 日本語: 音楽準備のためのMOLAガイドライン 한국어: 음악 준비를위한 MOLA 지침 中文: MOLA音乐准备指南 中文: MOLA音樂準備指南 |
mola | |
Opera: Friend or Foe? | mola | |
Rights and Responsibilities Concerning Rental Music in North America | mola | |
The Music We Perform: An Overview of Royalties, Rentals and Rights | Lawrence Tarlow, Robert Sutherland | mola |
The Performance Librarian: A Career Introduction
Contains: The Performance Librarian: A Career Introduction Español: El bibliotecario de orquesta: Introducción a la profesión Français: Le musicothécaire d'orchestre: Initiation à la carrière 日本語: パフォーマンス司書:キャリア紹介 한국어: 공연 사서 : 경력 소개 中文: 績效館員:職業介紹 中文: 绩效馆员:职业介绍 |
mola | |
What is MOLA?
Contains: What is MOLA? Español: Qué es la MOLA? Français: Qu'est-ce que MOLA? 日本語: MOLAとは? 한국어: MOLA 란 무엇입니까? 中文: 什么是MOLA? 中文: 什麼是MOLA? |
mola |